Conference Countdown | Tips and Advice | 20 Days to go



Even though this is clearly a paper tacked to a school wall, it holds some very important lessons, for even even for us adult writers…


No matter how perfect you think your manuscript is, there are always going to be mistakes!

How do I know this? Because every single PUBLISHED book I have ever read, I have found at least 1 ONE mistake. No it’s not always the writer’s mistake. A lot of times it is obviously a publishing error or even a computer glitch-type thing. But there is always at least ONE! 

So… don’t get too hung up on your editing.

But DO IT!

And do it again.

And do it again.

And then have someone else read it.

And then do it again.

And then, put it down and MOVE ON!

You’ll never get the next story written if you stay hung up on the first.

But ALWAYS edit your first story!

And if you are one of those people that can edit one story while writing another, GO FOR IT because, chances are, you are going to be doing it at some point or other in your writing career anyway.

So edit, edit, edit and then move on!

But… with conference coming up, it wouldn’t hurt to go over your MS at least once – just a cursory look at it.


And then get to writing. Get back into that groove so that you can honestly say that you are working on the next project when someone asks!


God Bless!

And watch for more posts to come!

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